Meine Forschung als Video

Im Rahmen des Trainingsprogramms KommunikationsHub: Meine Forschung als Video des Wissenstransferzentrums Ost hatten Nachwuchswissenschafter_innen verschiedener Disziplinen von März bis Juni die Möglichkeit, mit professioneller Unterstützung kurze Video über ihre Forschungsprojekte zu produzieren. In Kooperation mit OKTO wurden fünf ausgewählten Forscher_innen-Teams Expert_innen zur Seite gestellt, die sie Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess der Videoproduktion begleitet haben. Die Teams bekam


Each melody is unique per se, but all of them are composed by the same set of building blocks: the 7 notes, just played in different order. The melodies of Nature are proteins, where different 1D sequences of the same set of building blocks (the amino-acids) drive them to fold automatically into different and unique 3D structures. Computational studies can be used to understand the key ingredients that make this process possible, and apply the same ingredients for designing new artificial materials that are able to self-assemble into specific chosen structures.

Producers: Chiara Cardelli, Nerattini Francesca

From Nature to Bionic Proteins through Computer Simulations

Each melody is unique per se, but all of them are composed by the same set of building blocks: the 7 notes, just played in different order. The melodies of Nature are proteins, where different 1D sequences of the same set of building blocks (the amino-acids) drive them to fold automatically into different and unique 3D structures. Computational studies can be used to understand the key ingredients that make this process possible, and apply the same ingredients for designing new artificial materials that are able to self-assemble into specific chosen structures. Producers: Chiara Cardelli, Nerattini Francesca

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